Was Alleged Wikileaks Source a Homosexual with Axe to Grind against U.S. Military?
(too old to reply)
Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
2010-08-05 00:26:15 UTC
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot

By James Tillman

August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.

The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.

"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.

"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."

A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.

In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman. In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."

However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.

Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."

He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).

Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden. This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not

"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.

"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued. "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."

Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.

Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.

He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
2010-08-05 00:51:42 UTC
On Aug 4, 8:26 pm, "Usenet Legends bobandcarole $"
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
By James Tillman
August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.
The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.
"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.
"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."
A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.
In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman.  In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."
However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.
Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."
He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).
Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden.  This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not
"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.
"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued.  "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."
Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.
Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.
He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
and if that's what you want it to be, you will probably get much
love. In the whole scheme of things, in real life, in the life of
a human, it should not matter, we should have no knowledge of such
crap. We're the working people out here, we're paying the taxes.
It's governmental, and it's up to our government to take care. And
it's political.....all politicians should be expected to do their
jobs, they are civil servents, and they should shut up. It's
simple....they make it complicated, you talk to them.
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2010-08-05 04:50:09 UTC
On Aug 4, 8:26 pm, "Usenet Legends bobandcarole $"
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
By James Tillman
August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.
The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.
"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.
"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."
A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.
In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman. In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."
However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.
Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."
He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).
Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden. This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not
"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.
"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued. "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."
Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.
Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.
He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
and if that's what you want it to be, you will probably get much
love. In the whole scheme of things, in real life, in the life of
a human, it should not matter, we should have no knowledge of such
crap. We're the working people out here, we're paying the taxes.
It's governmental, and it's up to our government to take care. And
it's political.....all politicians should be expected to do their
jobs, they are civil servents, and they should shut up. It's
simple....they make it complicated, you talk to them.
WHERE is it the CHRISTIAN's RIGHT, to tell me what I can or Can Not Believe,
and what MY GOD tells me!
Morality is a Call of the Church.
Lynch Mobs, have no "RIGHT" to VOTE on the RIGHTS of any Oppressed FEW!
That is a Creature of LAW, not a subject of a Vote of the People!
2010-08-05 05:12:31 UTC
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
On Aug 4, 8:26 pm, "Usenet Legends bobandcarole $"
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
By James Tillman
August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.
The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.
"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.
"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."
A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.
In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman. In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."
However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.
Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."
He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).
Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden. This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not
"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.
"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued. "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."
Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.
Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.
He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
and if that's what you want it to be, you will probably get much
love. In the whole scheme of things, in real life, in the life of
a human, it should not matter, we should have no knowledge of such
crap. We're the working people out here, we're paying the taxes.
It's governmental, and it's up to our government to take care. And
it's political.....all politicians should be expected to do their
jobs, they are civil servents, and they should shut up. It's
simple....they make it complicated, you talk to them.
WHERE is it the CHRISTIAN's RIGHT, to tell me what I can or Can Not Believe,
and what MY GOD tells me!
Morality is a Call of the Church.
Lynch Mobs, have no "RIGHT" to VOTE on the RIGHTS of any Oppressed FEW!
That is a Creature of LAW, not a subject of a Vote of the People!
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2010-08-06 03:45:13 UTC
Post by Olrik
Post by Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
On Aug 4, 8:26 pm, "Usenet Legends bobandcarole $"
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
By James Tillman
August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.
The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.
"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.
"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."
A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.
In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman. In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."
However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.
Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."
He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).
Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden. This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not
"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.
"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued. "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."
Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.
Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.
He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
and if that's what you want it to be, you will probably get much
love. In the whole scheme of things, in real life, in the life of
a human, it should not matter, we should have no knowledge of such
crap. We're the working people out here, we're paying the taxes.
It's governmental, and it's up to our government to take care. And
it's political.....all politicians should be expected to do their
jobs, they are civil servents, and they should shut up. It's
simple....they make it complicated, you talk to them.
WHERE is it the CHRISTIAN's RIGHT, to tell me what I can or Can Not Believe,
and what MY GOD tells me!
Morality is a Call of the Church.
Lynch Mobs, have no "RIGHT" to VOTE on the RIGHTS of any Oppressed FEW!
That is a Creature of LAW, not a subject of a Vote of the People!
Why the Arianhod told me my Name!
2010-08-05 01:14:04 UTC
On Aug 4, 8:26 pm, "Usenet Legends bobandcarole $"
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
By James Tillman
August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.
The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.
"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.
"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."
A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.
In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman.  In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."
However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.
Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."
He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).
Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden.  This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not
"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.
"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued.  "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."
Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.
Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.
He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
"Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
ass. "

Perhaps makes sense to you.....bully for you, you captured a news
story. Well done...?! And put your own spin on it...of course
it's "gay"....who can't do that? What is done has happened, and what
has happened out there in the political, governmental,
environment....you've taken it in very seriously. In the real life
scheme of things....very Man from Uncle, very James Bond....done.
And what the crap do you care of his relationship with his Dad? Get
over it.....nothing to do with you.
Usenet Legends bobandcarole
2010-08-05 15:06:39 UTC
Post by livvy
On Aug 4, 8:26 pm, "Usenet Legends bobandcarole $"
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
By James Tillman
August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.
The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.
"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.
"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."
A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.
In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman.  In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."
However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.
Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."
He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).
Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden.  This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not
"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.
"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued.  "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."
Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.
Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.
He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
"Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
ass. "
Perhaps makes sense to you.....bully for you, you captured a news
story. Well done...?! And put your own spin on it...of course
My "own" spin? Read the post, cunt. It's teh ONLY spin period.
A sodomite committed treason because he's pissed because the
military doesn't want his sick ass. Hopefully he'll get teh firing
Post by livvy
it's "gay"....who can't do that? What is done has happened, and what
has happened out there in the political, governmental,
environment....you've taken it in very seriously. In the real life
scheme of things....very Man from Uncle, very James Bond....done.
And what the crap do you care of his relationship with his Dad? Get
over it.....nothing to do with you.
Ya know, you'd be better off keeping yer mindless screeds in shitholes
like alt.abortion and alt.atheism.

#1 pedophile hunter: the wikisposure project.
#5 ruiner of usenet.
Owner and trainer of Tom Evans aka "mad as a box of frogs"
Tom Evans picture: http://yfrog.com/5zt0mevansj
"Publicity is publicity, good or bad it's STILL publicity"~ Alice
"Did you plug the hole yet Daddy?"~~Malia Obama
Now I know why they call him tiger, "Eldrick Tont Woods"?? LMAO!! .
"There are 1000 or more reasons for a person INNOCENT of child
molesting to kill themselves"~ Arrested filth-monger frank mccoy
"A victory for one pornographer is a victory for all of the human
race"--pedophile "XXX"
"I mean, it's not as if I'm bringing up "ass pounding" all the time,
or doing it right in front of you."~~ deviant homosexual sodomite
Scott Allen Salberg, convicted of battery in Broward County Florida.

Why should I have to press one for English??? This is AMERICA .
2010-08-05 21:26:33 UTC
On Aug 5, 12:06 pm, Usenet Legends bobandcarole
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole
Post by livvy
On Aug 4, 8:26 pm, "Usenet Legends bobandcarole $"
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
By James Tillman
August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.
The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.
"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.
"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."
A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.
In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman.  In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."
However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.
Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."
He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).
Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden.  This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not
"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.
"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued.  "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."
Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.
Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.
He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
"Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
ass. "
Perhaps makes sense to you.....bully for you,  you captured a news
story.   Well done...?!     And put your own spin on it...of course
My "own" spin? Read the post, cunt. It's teh ONLY spin period.
A sodomite committed treason because he's pissed because the
military doesn't want his sick ass. Hopefully he'll get teh firing
Post by livvy
it's "gay"....who can't do that?   What is done has happened, and what
has happened out there in the political, governmental,
environment....you've taken it in very seriously.   In the real life
scheme of things....very Man from Uncle, very James Bond....done.
And what the crap do you care of his relationship with his Dad?   Get
over it.....nothing to do with you.
Ya know, you'd be better off keeping yer mindless screeds in shitholes
like alt.abortion and alt.atheism.
 #1 pedophile hunter: the wikisposure project.
 #5 ruiner of usenet.
Owner and trainer of Tom Evans aka "mad as a box of frogs"
 Tom Evans picture:http://yfrog.com/5zt0mevansj
"Publicity is publicity, good or bad it's STILL publicity"~ Alice
"Did you plug the hole yet Daddy?"~~Malia Obama
Now I know why they call him tiger, "Eldrick Tont Woods"??   LMAO!! .
"There are 1000 or more reasons for a person INNOCENT of child
molesting to kill themselves"~ Arrested filth-monger frank mccoy
"A victory for one pornographer is a victory for all of the human
race"--pedophile "XXX"
"I mean, it's not as if I'm bringing up "ass pounding" all the time,
or doing it right in front of you."~~ deviant homosexual sodomite
Scott Allen Salberg, convicted of battery in Broward County Florida.
Why should I have to press one for English??? This is AMERICA .
I just hope more Ameri|KKKan soldiers die till the country wakes up to
the fallacy of this war.
for me its simple, each time an ameriKKKan dies in Afghanistan I

It takes a "fag" with a "conscience" to blow the whistle. good for
Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2010-08-06 03:56:09 UTC
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole
On Aug 4, 8:26 pm, "Usenet Legends bobandcarole $"
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
By James Tillman
August 3, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- SPC Bradley Manning, who has been
arrested and detained in connection with the leak of thousands of
classified documents recently released on WikiLeaks, is a homosexual
activist who has spoken out against the U.S. military’s Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell policy.
The connection has led Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony
Perkins to speculate that there may be a connection between Manning’s
activism, and his decision to leak the documents.
"In May, when U.S. authorities arrested Army Private Bradley Manning
for leaking classified information to WikiLeaks.org, there were
whispers that he was politically motivated," stated Perkins.
"It turns out that Manning is an extreme homosexual activist whose
fury over the services' homosexual policy may have led him to
publicize highly classified documents about the wars."
A childhood friend of Manning, Jordan Davis, has said that the young
man “came out” as gay when he was only 13.
In addition, records of an instant messenger chat Manning held with
Adrian Lamo, who eventually turned Manning in to the government, seem
to indicate that he thought of himself as a woman. In the chat
Manning says that he would not mind going to prison or being executed
for leaking the classified documents if it was not for "having
pictures of me ... plastered all over the world press ... as [a] boy."
However, in his discussions with Lamo about why he leaked the
documents, Manning made no mention of his sexual orientation. Instead
he said he leaked the secrets because he wanted "people to see the
truth ... regardless of who they are ... because without information,
you cannot make informed decisions as a public." Lamo has said he was
dissatisfied with certain military policies and wanted to affect U.S.
foreign policy.
Manning’s Facebook page reveals that he was depressed over a recent
breakup with his boyfriend. One photo on the page shows him holding a
sign asking for equality on the battlefield. Among his "Likes and
Interests" were "REPEAL THE BAN - End ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell,’”
"QueerToday.com," "Stonewall Democrats," "LGBT America," "Repeal Don't
Ask Don't Tell," "No on Prop 8 | Don't Eliminate Marriage for Anyone,"
and the homosexualist "Human Rights Campaign."
He also “liked” Barack Obama and the openly homosexual congressman
Barney Frank, who has worked to overturn "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell" (DADT).
Although the Senate is considering overturning DADT, the open service
of homosexuals in the military is currently forbidden. This has lead
some to ask why, given Manning's open homosexuality, he was not
"Who in the Obama Administration - and the Department of Defense - was
aware of his conduct and looked the other way? Was Manning given a
pass because his 'lifestyle' was considered to be in favor and
acceptable under the Obama Administration?" asked Cliff Kincaid on
Accuracy in Media.
"The revelations of Manning's openly pro-homosexual conduct suggest
that a more liberal Department of Defense policy, in deference to the
wishes of the Commander-in-Chief, had already been in effect and has
now backfired in a big way," he continued. "The result could be not
only the loss of the lives of U.S. soldiers, as a result of the enemy
understanding U.S. intelligence sources and methods, but damaged
relations with Afghanistan and Pakistan and a possible U.S. military
defeat in the region as a whole."
Admiral Mike Mullen has said that whoever leaked the information might
already "have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that
of an Afghan family" because the leaked documents included the names
of Afghan informants.
Bradley was born in Oklahoma, but his parents divorced in 2001, and
his mother Susan Manning moved back to Wales with her son. Some have
said Manning had a volatile and angry relationship with his dad.
He has been accused of downloading more than 200,000 secret cables
from a computer network and sending them to Wikileaks.org.
"Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
ass. "
Perhaps makes sense to you.....bully for you, you captured a news
story. Well done...?! And put your own spin on it...of course
My "own" spin?
You are not even a Whirl Pool, you just SUCK!

Lady Azure, Baroness of the North Pole
2010-08-05 04:46:52 UTC
Post by Usenet Legends bobandcarole $
Now it ALL makes sense. A fucking queer committed TREASON and put many
lives at risk because the military rightfully doesn't want his faggot
No, the COURT CALLED YOU A BIGOT, with No Right to INVADE my Life!